How to Sign Up Github Account and Upload project

Hey friends welcome to Today i Telling About Github, 

what is Github:-   

                            Git Hub is a also know as Cloud system, here you upload own project publicy and private, This website is Developer website, Every developer developed own project and upload here, example of developer- php developer, website developer various types of developer as for programming language.


  1. Go To Github Account

Fill The Details

Note:- Username is Formate of Interger+Charactor+@

Example:- Ramrahim@245kumar

Password: kumarram@999

Make sure it's at least 7 charactersincluding a numberand a lowercase letter.

This type username your password then Sign Up you git Hub Account.

Then After go to Your Gmail Account and Verify your Github Account after Access Git Hub Account


After Sign Up Account the Login your Git Hub Account

Enter your Login Details then sign in

After sign in your git hub account create the follow the configure your Account to CMD

⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Git Hub upload File⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗

Login Your Github Account After Create  New Repository

Enter Respository Name Like Your Project Name.

                            Select mark the Initialize this repository with a README

                                 In this select Add Readme file in your Folder.

After Do This This Clone The Repository Folder On your Computer Desktop Screen

Click on Repository Folder the click on Clone or Download

 Click on Copy it.

After The Follow The Command Promopt

Download Git Software in your Computer Go to git website

Download Git choose as for your Windows bit 

After Complete This Process Folllow The Command.

Go To Run Open CMD Command (win+r) type cmd 

Type Cd Desktop after you come on desktop.

Then Type Git Command:      Git clone paste here you copy repository file url

example as git clone (this is my git repository folder & Project.)

 After apply this command Copy your folder on your desktop

Then  configure your email id

1.)  git config --global "enter your email id"


2.) git config --global "enter your username"


Then go to your Repository folder    Type cd Tourism 

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21 October 2018 at 01:42 ×

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