What is Hacking ? Types of Hackers?

Hi Friends welcome to my post ,Today i talking about Hacker, what is hacking and Types of hacking.

What is Hacking ? Types of Hackers?

Hacker:-  Hacker is a Intelligence mind he is Access the any Device without permission of admin and System user, hacker is a knowledge full skill, he is known as Computer programming Language, Language are:- Php, java, msql, c, c++, Asp.Net, and etc over all Language command  the hacker, hacker mind every time think to new technique knowledge, and apply the victim,

Types of Hacker:-  

1)Ethical Hacker(White Hat Hacker):-

White Hat Hacker is a good ,he is a good work ,any need people and  other person white hacker help, this hacker crack the any security password,  A hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the identified weakness. They may also perform penetration testing  and Vulnerability. find the Vulnerability into system.

2)Cracker (Black Hat Hacker) :-

This Hacker who gains unauthorized access to computer system and still the data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from bank account , this types hacker is a hacker the still  the username ,password of any social network site, he is a negative thinking hacker.

3) Gray Hat Hacker:-

A Hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hacker  , he Breaks into computer system without authority with a view to identify weakness and reveal them to the system Owner.

4)Script Kiddies:-

A Hacker non-skilled person who gains access to computer system using already made tools.


A Hacker Who use hacking to send social religious and political etc. messages , this is usually done by hijacking website and leaving the message on the hijacking website.


A Hacker who identifies and exploits weakness  in telephone instead of computer.

Types of Attacker 

>>Social Engineering(21) :-  

  • Click jacking
  • Fake Last page
  • Lcamtuf Download
  • Clippy
  • Fake Flash Updates
  • Fake Notification Bar
  • Google Phishing
  • Pretty Theif’
  • Replace Videos(Fake Plugins)
  • simple Hijaker
  • Tab Nobbing
  • Fake Ever note web  clipper Login
  • Firefox Extension
  •  HTA Power shell
  • Site Kiosk
  • Break out
  • Steal Auto complete
  • User interface Abuse.


  • Debug
  • Metasploit
  • Network
  • Pesistence
  • Misc
  • IPEC

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12 July 2018 at 21:10 ×

Hello nice post

Congrats bro Rahul you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...